Extra Credits: stop normalizing stupidity in 2019

The Extra Credits youtube channel gets caught in their own SJW ideology.

Extra Credits not only dislike Nazis, they dislike anything historically inaccurate.
Didn’t make those Americans historically accurate? Time for red vs blue!


Extra Credits gets everything wrong, and subverts itself.

First, Extra Credits states in their “Stop Normalizing Nazi’s” video that we’re suddenly thrown into a gaming world. Suddenly, we’re forced to play as Nazi’s. They then state this is bad for many reasons. Without going into those reasons.

Here’s a list of reasons why this is wrong:

  1. There’s nothing wrong with playing as a Nazi, American, or any group with an ideology (or none at all.) In a video game.
  2. The games mentioned and shown (including Battlefield 1) don’t have Nazis. Very few games actually have Nazi’s in them.
  3. Being in the German Army didn’t make you a Nazi, or the Nazi party. (The same way being in the American Army, Airforce or Navy doesn’t make you a Republican.) The German army was fighting the Bolsheviks, and defending their homeland. They did what their leaders told them to.
  4. The Iron Cross is a symbol of the German Army, not Germany’s political party. The Iron Cross is not the Swastica.
  5. Germany wasn’t allowed any depiction of Nazism in their media since 2018.
Extra Credits doesn't like this game, because Germany.
This is a bad game because you can play as Germans.

Insane Solutions

Playing as Nazis is bad, for unknown reasons. Okay.

But we should play as counter-terrorists vs counter terrorists? Then, it’s okay?

Counter Strike and its premutations are bad, because, you can play as terrorists. And terrorists are also bad. For unknown reasons in video games? Why?

The final stupidity was where they recommend two things:

  1. If you’re going to have Nazi’s, or ANYTHING, make them historically accurate and meaningful. If they’re not, you’re doing it wrong.
  2. If you’re not going to have Nazi’s, just have red vs. blue.

It’s like they’re asking for context, or a complete null concept of context. If you don’t do your multiplayer shooter game with 100% historical accuracy, it’s bad.

Why, Extra Credits? Why?

Oh, but actually…playing as Nazi’s is okay!

Near the end of their video, they suddenly have no problem with games depicting Nazis or playing as Nazi’s. Wait, what? What was the point of the video then?

They then try to argue that there should be meaning behind using Nazis or other visual depictions in video games, to actually mean something.

Well, that’s kind of the point. A WW2 multiplayer game is about shooting dudes in WW2. We know the Axis involved Germany and Japan, and the Allies were most other people against them. We don’t need any more info. We don’t need some grand narrative in a multiplayer FPS game of capture the flag. Why would players want that? What’s the point here, Extra Credits? What are you trying to say?

I doubt Extra Credits will ever tackle Bolshevism.
I wonder if they’ll ever critique Socialism, Communism, or Bolshevism

The round peg of SJWism

It doesn’t matter what the medium is. Or the purpose. Or the demographic. An SJW will not care about reality. They will project their belief onto anything.

All must be destroyed on the altar of SJW.

Ignorance, stupidity, bias and lying

It’s hard to deduce just what is going through a persons mind when their arguments and opinions are founded on nothing. With Extra Credits, their ignorance is a given. We’re all born that way, and there are many things our eyes and ears miss. But, once we have the sense data, we have to understand it. Then, convert it to knowledge.

The inability of doing so is called stupidity. Whereupon we have the information, we just don’t grasp it. Having the info, and understanding it, implies knowledge.

The 3rd step for understanding their behavior is bias. You have the knowledge, but you either reject it, or stretch an unknown to fit your preconception. Can’t let go of that SJW ideology, it seems.

The 4th possbility is lying. You possess all information, knowledge and identify your bias enough to know the difference. You actively know the truth, but choose a falsehood.

The 5th possbility is these people are lying to themselves, all for their ideology.

Or maybe just views? Stir up controversy? Bleeding subs doesn’t seem wise.

Extra Credits surely loves bleeding subs. Going on 20k+in 6 days.
Good job, Extra Credits.

Why not just make a better video?

Couldn’t they simply take down the video, or make another? Doesn’t seem like a bad idea. Their video and their post explanation doesn’t make sense. What the hell are they trying to say?

Games don’t make you Nazis. Okay. But games with Nazis without meaning are bad. Okay. Why? How?

What if there was a multiplayer game where you play only as a German soldier without meaning? Why is that bad? How?

It’s all about their political agenda.

Whatever agenda it is, that’s all Extra Credits is doing here. If it’s not their religion, climate change, it’s something to do with social justice. Everything is the patriarchy’s fault. Because they burn fossil fuels. And are hurting women. And somehow Nazism is bad in depications of fictitious video games?

Is this really all because Hillary Clinton lost the election? And Trump is bad?

For an actual game dealing with politics within its game lore, check out this.

Here’s my update to their pinned youtube comment on their video

And here’s my 3 hour discussion with UDP and LiteratureDevil:

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